Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Inglot Blushes in 28, 38, 36 & 20 Swatched

From Left to right, these blushes are 28, 38, 36 & 20. Forgive me for not yet having this palette labeled. Its on my to do list. Along with 2,264 other things to do!

These blushes are gorgeous. If I can say anything even SLIGHTLY negative about them, its that htey are too pigmented. That beings said, I love 28 and 20. The middle too are shimmery and while not too shimmery for me to use, they don't really appeal to me and I tend to not use them. I chose my shadows online and when I went in to pick them up I never checked the finishes. Oh well. None of them are bad, and its nice to have something different in my stash!


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