I still have not gotten my hands on the eyeshadow sticks, but I am LOVING these lip shines! They come in 10 shades ranging from light pinks and neutrals to both warm and cool reds!
Here are all 10 shades. From top to bottom - 001 Baby Baby, 002 Sweet Moments, 003 Love Story, 004 Fluffy Feeling, 005 Flirty Dreams, 006 Magic Monday, 007 Funky Friday, 008 Spring Fling, 009 My Valentine and 010 Lady Like.
From left to right: 001 Baby Baby, 002 Sweet Moments, 003 Love Story, 004 Fluffy Feeling, 005 and Flirty Dreams.
From left and right 006 Magic Monday, 007 Funky Friday, 008 Spring Fling, 009 My Valentine and and 010 Lady Like.
These are so moisturizing. They have ZERO drag or pull and feel light and comfy on. That being said, they do have a lot of slip and slide and you will need a good lip liner with these. Having said that even 001 and 002 had a bit of staining with the brighter ones have a LOT of staining. For a product his moisturizing and with so much slip that stunned me. So while they wear down fairly quickly (as anything this moisturizing will) they do leave behind a stain of colour!