Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Nubar Polka Dots Swatches

Winners. TJ Maxx. Marshalls. What would I do without them? I really don't know. This is another find from there. This was something I saw on a few blogs and filed away in my mind as a 'want' but not a 'need'. I really really love this. I am so happy I found it as I would most likely never have ordered this online.

In the set comes G714 White Polka Dot, G715 Black Polka Dot and sadly T309 Diamont Seal & Shine. I have no urge what so ever for top coat and will most likely add it to a secret-santa type gift at some point. I would  much rather have paid less and only got the two polka dot colours, but I had a gift card for Winners thankfully! I started with a coat of plain black and white crème polishes. I chose Nailtini Cream and Nailtini Espresso as my base.

And here is one coat of White Polka Dot on black and one coat of Black Polka Dot on white! I have NO IDEA why I just though of it now, but how awesome would a red or blue or purple look with one coat of each polka dot shade? Note to self.............


  1. Whoa! WHich store did you find this at? I need to start paying closer attention!! I have the white polka dot but not the black. Love this set!

    1. I have friends all in thunder bay, edmonton, vancouver and winnipeg that have gotten them there. they are 16.99

  2. LUCKY woman! This is totally on my want/wishlist!

  3. I'll have your Diamont! It's my fave topcoat! *wink wink* :)



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