Sunday, January 29, 2012

Another Epic FAIL On The Dress Hunt!

I know you have heard me explain how I am in desperate need of dresses. I have many events coming up first one is 4 weeks away, and nothing to wear. Not a single dress that fits. So I went shopping again last week.

Now, if you will remember, I bought this coat the week before last while on my dress hunt. Well........ Just in case you missed it, I paid 54.00 (and got 6.00 off that price) so it was a total of 48.00.

Not bad since as you can see it retailed for 320! But last week I did another winners run while dress shopping and........ well........ Yup. You guessed it. It was an epic deal, but NOT a dress!

Stock photo taken off a shopping site! 

Stock photo taken off a shopping site! 

Now can I tell you how much I love this jacket? It came in about 9 different colour/fabric options and I went home and googled the price and found it on revolve again!

415.00!!!!! OMG! I debated and debated and these two gorgeous coats came home with me!

Sorry the first purple picture is so dark, its a very very accurate colour in the latter two pictures. The lining is gorgeous. I LOVE them soooo much! And the price? 42.00 each! I FREAKING LOVE sales at winners.

And sadly the dress hunt continues...........


  1. Such an amazing deal!! I love Soia and kyo!

  2. I have the opposite problem ... a ton of dresses, and almost no coats. I need to find some, soon! Love Soia & Kyo, but I never seem to stumble on them when they're on sale. COngrats on your lovely purchases!



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