So Holt Renfrew, The Bay and other retailers will not be getting the new Spring collection until mid to late January. But all us Canadians can purchase the polishes NOW! The polishes are the regular price of $17, but if you buy the entire set of 6 you get them for $85! That means you end up getting one for free! So when you run to pick up a polish or an entire set, make sure you add Posh Bird! Its limited edition and it is seriously the greatest formula! Its the same finish/formula as Victoriana and All Hail The Queen (you know, everyone's FAVOURITE two?) but its PURPLE!!
So what polishes are you picking up? I have three en route to me and I will swatch them for you the MINUTE I get them!
And keep in mind the limited edition holiday ones are already long gone. Posh Bird & Fish Wife (the insanely crazy holographic gorgeousness) are both still available so grab them fast!!!