So it started with a birthday gift for a friend. This was about TWO days after my posting that I was on a bubble bath ban. They were buy three get three free. And so yes. She got three, and I got three. It was a bad start to the ban from the get go!
And then today. I had no intention of using the VIB coupon I got sent for $20 off a $50 purchase. I really didn't. But then at work this week I was given a $25 gift card from my Secret Santa where I work. So it seemed ridiculous NOT to use it in conjunction with the coupon. So I went in DETERMINED to ONLY spend $50 and not a penny more.
The Candy Cane Lane was $21 and the Toast of the Town was $29. So it worked out to be EXACTLY $30 making my cost $5. So really, it would have been silly NOT to get them. Right??
So with the bathroom I use being totally redone last week, I had to empty it out so the workmen could work. That involved a big purge and clean and today I reloaded the medicine cabinet. Yes, this is the medicine cabinet. I am pretty sure I could fit IN it if I tried. Its GINORMOUS!! Good thing since the bathroom itself is teeny tiny. And since I dont share the bathroom with anyone its just for my stuff!
And so this is my new oath. This shelf will be where ALL the bath stuffs go. It MUST fit on this shelf. No overflow to anywhere else or I have to throw out. And that would be wrong and wasteful. So just this ONE SHELF.
And I used the box from the Philosophy set I just got to hold all my bubble bars and bath bombs from LUSH. I think this works well and is organized.
I do the same thing