Saturday, February 18, 2012

Nail Mail Soooooo Amazing It Had Me Dancing!

So I got home to this box. A not so big box that had BIG surprises and was seriously CHALK FULL of goodies! Seriously, if you ever wonder who got all those clowns in the itty bitty clown car, the person who sent me this box was likely responsible! I was expecting Leighton Dennys, but OMG!!!! The rest FLOORED ME! 

The Leighton Denny polishes I KNEW were en route!

The rest was.... Stunned does not begin to describe it.

This is where I had to take a break in opening because Regatta was yelling at me to put her on. Such a demanding little polish, but I happily obliged!

Swatches and reviews of all of these will be coming over the next week! EEK!! So much good stuff! And EVERY SINGLE colour I LOVE! She seriously KNOWS my tastes! DEAD ON!



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