So I am on a quest. I am determined to find the PERFECT bath salts. First up is the SORE Muscle Soak from SoGa Soap & CupFakery in Lime In The Coconut. I like that the ingredients are listed right on the bottom of the tub!
I seriously wish you guys could smell this. It smells AMAZING!!! I do not smell the coconut but if you close your eyes and imagine a fresh and amazing margarita you will know EXACTLY what this smells like!
I used a third or so of the tub, as per the directions I was given when purchasing.
This was a really hard one to accurately rate. I gave it an 8 out of 10 for ability to dissolve. It actually dissolved really really well and when I stepped in to the bath tub there was no salt left at the bottom. There was however a ton of the flower pieces that obviously do not dissolve. This is not a flaw, but it was completely annoying. I had to clean out the bathtub and then rinse off as I had them all over me too! For me it was a big enough deal that I had to deduct points and this seemed the most logical place to deduct them.
Aroma/smell was a 10/10. It smelled AMAZING and the smell was still there once it was in the water. 100% perfect.
The packaging and design I deducted 2 points and realize I probably should have done so for the cupfake also. The only reason I am doing so is the lack of instructions. I purchased this myself and was given directions when I purchased this. But had it been gifted to me I would have had no idea how much of the product to add. In the future I hope she adds directions to the packaging. Just makes it more user friendly in my opinion! Otherwise, it was fantastic. A nice easy to handle jar that sits flat, is sturdy and seals well! And a cute yet very clear and easy to read label.
Texture of water was great. It was not QUITE as luxurious as the last bath I had with her cupfake but it was quite nice! No complaints.
And for the price point, this tub is 10.00 and can give you 3-4 baths. So between 2.50-3.00 a bath. Not exactly FANTASTIC, but a great price point for a made from scratch one woman business. Again, really nothing to complain about!
Overall I will most likely not be using this product again. The flowers everywhere really was a big turn off for me. I dont mind rinsing out the bathtub really quickly after a bath, but when I have to take a scraper or towel to wipe out all the flower pieces........ not for me. Its not to say its bad, just not something I want to deal with. And I had to quickly rinse off to remove the stray pieces from my body. The product smelled amazing, was a good price though and was quite nice. If the flower bits don't bother you, I would highly recommend trying it out. And make sure to buy a cupfake while you are at it! They are FREAKING AMAZING!!!