Wednesday, November 13, 2013

YSL La Laque Couture Colour Collection

Thankfully this set looks like its not available for international purchase (though quite often calling the customer service or a store directly gets you a different answer). I love this set. I wont deny it. But I dont NEED this set. If its this set or Los Angeles in January, LA wins. Hands down! But be warned! Its price tag is a scary €395.00!
Yves Saint Laurent Beauté are bringing a kaleidoscope of colour to the Christmas season with the highly exclusive and indulgent La Laque Couture Colour Collection; the entire collection of La Laque Couture nail polish in one beautiful, sleek and luxurious black acrylic box. Enjoy a rainbow of iconic YSL colours, with 24 timeless shades to express one's mood, style and femininity. Each shade embodies a story, a desire, an adventure or an irresistible impulse. With the La Laque Couture Colour Collection, the YSL woman can change her enamel as often as she changes her handbag or shoes. The La Laque Couture Colour Collection. The ultimate gift this Christmas.


  1. Sorry to be an enabler but if you can get it I say get it!

  2. dear lord.. im pretty sure my no buy just died possibly

  3. so pretty! but yeah, not in my budget haha

  4. I have a conversion app on my phone and that's $535!!! Holy crap! Are they at least full size?????



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