Sunday, April 26, 2015

Bathroom Storage, Organization & Post Purge!

EDIT: This post was scheduled to go up while I was in Vegas, and for some reason, it didn't. Turns out to be a very good think I cleaned and purged so much as I have a TON of new stuff to put away now!!

I am SO proud of myself. I have spent the last few weeks really cleaning up and purging all my beauty products. Makeup AND the rest. And my bathroom is organized! Which is such a huge relief hen I step foot in my teeny tiny bathroom!

And just to show its not all just stuffed in my shower, here is my shower:

Now my hair care is all in two baskets on the shelf with my towels. These are my backups, new ones and basically everything I am not currently using. Dry shampoos and conditioners for the most part are in the pink basket and everything else in the orange.

Then I have one tiny shelf over my toilet which for the most part is all the hair stuffs I am currently using, along with my toothbrush, toothpaste, clarisonic, and facial spray.

There are lots of products in use, but I really do use them. The elnett I use as an all over hairspray when my hair is don, and the Phillip B hairspray I use more when I am doing an up do and I need it to keep my hair completely up. Also a few samples that are currently in the mix, and to be fair, I have no idea why the purple Catwalk bottle is there. Think its a root bosster but pretty sure Ive used it once and only once.

Now the handwash (by Rocky Mountain Soap) is the ONLY foaming hand wash I can find from any brand that fits on the sink and still allows me to open the medicine cabinet. And my glade sense and spray. The face wipes just need to be put back away in the cabinet.

This basket that stays under my sink is where I put all my empties as I use them up.

And inside the ginourmous medicine cabinet (or closet as it more closely resembles):

Tampons (only have so many because they had the promo with the Revlon lip pencils a little bit ago if you recall). Behind them is my cotton pads, and q tips. Depending on the time of the month determines if the tampons are in front or if the cotton pads and such are. Then my monkey bandaids, hair stuff, and shaving stuff.

Next shelf is body stuff and shower caps and such, started and in use beauty products and then teeth stuff and face wipes.

Bath and shower shelf full of shower gels, bubble bath and scrubs.

And then is all my face masks, my skin stuff to try, and my backups and doubles of my go to products (my toner, makeup remover, after sun lotion etc.

Face masks:

Skin stuff to try:


As much as this is, I really did purge almost half of my stuff. Nothing is falling out or jumping out at me anymore, and I really do know what I have and where it all is. And it works for me! How do you store all YOUR beauty products? Would love to hear!


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