Since there were so many posts I made about my shopping for dresses and shoes and such for my brothers wedding I never even thought to show you all photos of my trip. But I have gotten quite a few requests and will try to do my best.
The big problem I have is family who are NOT going to even pretend to be ok with my posting photos of them on my blog. So there will not be many to share.
But the trip involved these girls thankfully! I know this may look like a photo from my last trip to Toronto, but we are wearing different clothes! We actually just happened to go back to the Pickle Barrel again to eat! It seems like the easy option as its right downtown in the Atrium attached to Eaton Centre, I tend to stay at hotels downtown, and they are ALWAYS willing to take reservations, even on a Sunday morning!
Saturday night we had a private function at Mark McEwan's restaurant Bymark. Here is a shot of me and my younger brother. I am still finding it hard to believe he is now a married man.
This is me in the salon Sunday morning after getting my hair and makeup done for the wedding.
At this point, since the amazing photographer (seriously, if you are in Toronto and need a photogrpaher, this is who you call) I think I can post these photos!
I must say this picture of me dancing with my 82 year old great aunt is one of my fav shots (and moments!) of the wedding.