So its that time again, the current (Secret Santa) exchange I organize is in full swing and I got my package yesterday (2 weeks before Chanukah starts!!) . I must say I love EVERYTHING! Every single colour is one I would have picked out myself (one of them I had actually already ordered!!) and they are all perfect colours for me! I am super excited to try everyone.
So I know I am the one who draws names and sends out matches. But I never pay much attention and its usually 2 am when I start. So I can truly say I never know who has me. I don't ever remember who I gave my survey too and I certainly am not going to go look it up haflway through! But when I saw the package came from Germany, it was an instant giveaway!!!
And this right here is the closest I will ever get to owning an Hermes box or package! LMAO!
This is what I saw when I lifted the card!
Some candy (my dad has already eaten!!) and another package!
And in the packet is some bath salts!! I take baths three to four times a week so it will be well appreciated!!
And then more goodies!!
Everything else out of the box!
Oops! Forgot to take a photo of it wrapped. You can OBVIOUSLY figure out which package this one was though! And oh my gosh!! It smells sooooooooooooo good. I seriously can not stop smelling it!
This one I kind of knew what it was by the shape of the package! I was really hoping I was right, I have soooo many Butter Londons on my wishlist right now! And I was right. This one on my wishlist, but sadly, not as high up the list as it should have been had I actually seen it in person! OMG! It is GORGEOUS!!! Its pretty much the silver version of Fishwife!!!
Next up is a polish I had just gotten. But since I LOVED it when I got it and I can not get it here in Canada, it is the perfect colour to have a backup of! Catrice It's All I Can Blue!
I have one other colour by P2 and it was ALSO from a Secret Santa gift from Germany. This one is an effect top coat I have never seen or heard of before in ANY brand! A Silvery Matte Top Coat? Who ever knew that existed? Not me! But since I LOVE LOVE LOVE matte finishes, this is right up my ally. P2 Get Fancy!
As we have already well established, I LOVE Catrice colours. This one I had never seen or heard of before but it is a gorgeous grey that is perfect for me! Catrice London's Weather Forecast!
Another new to me Catrice I had never seen before! Heavy Matallilac!
Another P2 effect top coat. This one is called Just Fantastic! and is.... well.... just fantastic! LOL! Sorry, I couldn't help myself! This is a glittery holographic top coat my mom has already called dibs on for her next manicure!
And all the goodies together!
And my lovely and generous Secret Santa sent me this letter with it all! I am so happy with everything! I truly LOVE it all!
Oh, how sweet! :)