I am very happy to say that for me personally, this collection does nothing for me. That is very good since they are not available here. I have given up completely finding lilac and would not be happy to add more impossible to find lemmings to my list!! But for those of you who love the neutrals (I do love the shadow quad but simply dont need any more neutral eyeshadow palettes!) this might be the collection for you!
Eye Colour Quad
- #123 Desert – mink, bronze, coffee and beige
Animalier Bronzer
- Bronzing powder
Classic Cream Lipstick
- #105 Caramel
- #109 Desert
- #210 Iconnic
Intense Nail Lacquer
- #104 Honey
- #208 Caramel
- #203 Chocolate (Repromote)
Intense Liquid Eyeliner
- #06 Baroque Gold
- #07 Baroque Silver
- #08 Baroque Bronze