Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Nars Toakido Express

Nars Tokaido Express

Nars Tokaido Express is just another of the 40 or so polishes I picked up on a recent trip back to NYC. Now this colour certainly IS available here at a Nars counter. But every time I check out their polish selection they are SOOO old and separated it honestly makes them all look completely unappealing. So when I walked into the Forrest Hills Sephora and saw this in the display, I KNEW it was going home with me. If you haven't noticed yet, I LOVE purple!!! You will notice that purples and grays make up half my stash!

Toakido Express is described as being a Black amethyst infused with gold.  Honestly I don't see the gold. It looks to me to be a dark purple with light purple shimmer. AND I LOVE IT!!!!!! I looked all through my stash and this was the best I could come up with dupes wise.
Nars Tokaido Express, Estee Lauder Ultra Violet, Dior 972 Licorice, Nfu Oh 51
As you can see, none are truely dupes. Amazing since I have 45-50 purples in my stash!!! I was quite impressed.
L-R Nars Tokaido Express, Estee Lauder Ultra Violet, Dior 972 Licorice, Nfu Oh 51
L-R Nars Tokaido Express, Estee Lauder Ultra Violet, Dior 972 Licorice, Nfu Oh 51

As you can see, they are all dark purples with specks of shimmer or flakes. But none are quite similar. I would go so far as to say that each one is unique enough to warrant having in your stash!!!


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