Monday, August 8, 2011

Koh Blue Universe & Koh Metallic Violet

I have obsessions with far too many nail polish brands as it is. So when I hear someone talking about a brand of polish I haven't yet heard of I try to run screaming in the other direction. So when I heard the brand Koh discussed, I tried to run away. I actually succeeded in forgetting the brand existed. Then I got a box of polish in the mail from one of the most amazing women in the entire world. She seriously rocks my world. And in the box was the following two babies:

Havent worn them yet but I just had to swatch them!!


  1. One thing I love the most about nailblogging is discovering new nail brands through other blogs. What unique packaging! Can't wait to see the actual swatches!

  2. I love the bottle design of these!

    I'm a new follower, love your blog so far :) Would love it if you checked mine out too!

  3. I can't wait to get my hands on a Koh polish to try it out! Lovely colors



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